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"Young Onset Parkinsons’ Home" Introduction

2015-2-18 12:53| 发布者: admin| 查看: 240844| 评论: 1

摘要: A Brief Introduction to PD of Young Patients In recent years, the age of the onset of PD patients keeps moving up in our country, the number of Parkinson middle-aged and young patients under the age o ...

 A Brief Introduction to PD of Young Patients

In recent years, the age of the onset of PD patients is becoming younger in our country, the number of Parkinson middle-aged and young patients under the age of 40 has increased dramatically, more than 200,000, over 10% of the total number of Parkinson patients in the whole country.  These PD patients are family breadwinners, sharing family responsibility, and their long suffering brings heavy burden to both family and society. Lots of Parkinson patients go to doctors for help desperately so that they can go on working in spite of the disease.

About "Young Onset Parkinsons’ Home" 
Initiated by a PD patient Shanghai Ximen ,"Young Onset Parkinsons’ Home" was established in October 2012, dedicated to encourage patients to face the disease positively and optimistically, to care for one another and encourage one another, to take active treatment, to overcome loneliness, to join the family and the society.

 All patients have the right to enjoy treatment and equality in social life


Through setting up the interactive network as a communication platform, patients can share their experiences and encourage one another; help the public and patients acquire better understanding of Parkinson’s disease; help patients to recover; promote PD treatment to be included wholly in the National Health Care System.
1. Build and maintain a communication platform for patients and their families to share their medical diagnosis, drug control, the experience of surgical treatment, rehabilitation
, psychological adjustment, knowledge about the disease and experience in nursing and rehabilitation.

  2. Invite experts to give lectures online or off-line, helping to promote the universal education of the basic knowledge of the Parkinson’s disease, helping patients and their family members and  the public to know more about the disease, make early diagnosis, and get proper treatment.

  3. Call for social attention and support to PD patients groups, promoting the disease diagnosis and treatment to be included in the National Health Insurance System in an all-round way.

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引用 yophome 2015-2-24 23:26
Many thanks for those peoples who make great efforts on the English Ver. of introduction ourself.

